Lock/Open Assembly-Based Optical DNA Sensor for Cancer-Related microRNA
Detection with a Shortened
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of cancer biomarker microRNAs (miRs) by exquisitely designed biosensors
with a short time-to-result is of great clinical significance. With
immobilized capture probes (CPs) and fluorescent-labeled signal probes
(SPs), surface-involved sandwich-type (SST) biosensors serve as powerful
tools for rapid, highly sensitive, and selective detection of miR
in complex matrices as opposed to the conventional techniques. One
key challenge for such SST biosensors is the existence of false-negative
signals when the amount of miRs exceeds SPs in solution phase for
a surface with a limited number of CP. To meet this challenge, a dynamic
lock/open DNA assembly was designed to rationally program the pathway
for miR/SP hybrids. Based on secondary structure analysis and free-energy
assessment, a “locker” strand that partially hybridizes
with target miR by two separated short arms was designed to stabilize
target miR, preventing possible false-negative signals. The strategy
was demonstrated on a fiber-based fluorescent DNA-sensing platform.
CP/miR/SP sandwiches formed on the fiber surface would generate fluorescent
signals for quantitative analysis. The developed SST biosensor was
able to detect miR Hsa <i>let-7a</i> with a detection limit
of 24 pM. The applicability of this free-energy-driven lock/open assembly-based
optical DNA sensor was further confirmed with spiked human urine and
serum samples