
Figure S1a. Venn diagram of three existing human gut gene catalogs. Figure S1b. Diversity of genera and species between AS patients and healthy controls. Figure S2. The Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes ratio in the AS patient group and in the healthy control group. Figure S3. Phylogenetic abundance under phylum, genus, and species levels between AS patients and healthy controls. Figure S4. Loss of richness of the gut microbiome in AS. Figure S5. The distribution of p values. Figure S6. The distribution of KEGG functional categories (statistics in Level 2) for all genes and differentially abundant genes. Figure S7. The distribution of detail pathways in four KEGG functional categories which were quite different between AS-enriched genes and control-enriched genes in Figure S6. Figure S8. The distribution of eggNOG functional categories for AS related markers. Figure S9. The distribution of KEGG module categories for AS related markers shown by number and percentage. Figure S10. Heatmap of the abundance of a random metagenomic species in both sequencing data and downloaded data. Figure S11. Taxonomic annotation of genes in CAGs by NT database. Figure S12. The NMDS (non-metric multidimensional scaling) analysis based on phylogenetic abundance profiling of all the 156 samples in the discovery cohort. (DOCX 4671 kb

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