PhID: An Open-Access Integrated Pharmacology Interactions
Database for Drugs, Targets, Diseases, Genes, Side-Effects, and Pathways
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The current network pharmacology
study encountered a bottleneck
with a lot of public data scattered in different databases. There
is a lack of an open-access and consolidated platform that integrates
this information for systemic research. To address this issue, we
have developed PhID, an integrated pharmacology database which integrates
>400 000 pharmacology elements (drug, target, disease, gene,
side-effect, and pathway) and >200 000 element interactions
in branches of public databases. PhID has three major applications:
(1) assisting scientists searching through the overwhelming amount
of pharmacology element interaction data by names, public IDs, molecule
structures, or molecular substructures; (2) helping visualizing pharmacology
elements and their interactions with a web-based network graph; and
(3) providing prediction of drug–target interactions through
two modules: PreDPI-ki and FIM, by which users can predict drug–target
interactions of PhID entities or some drug–target pairs of
their own interest. To get a systems-level understanding of drug action
and disease complexity, PhID as a network pharmacology tool was established
from the perspective of data layer, visualization layer, and prediction
model layer to present information untapped by current databases