Additional file 1: Figure S1A–E. of Tuning Tribological Performance of Layered Zirconium Phosphate Nanoplatelets in Oil by Surface and Interlayer Modifications
Surface roughness of five metal balls examined by a 3D profiler. The average surface roughness is 155.0 ± 14.8 nm. Figure S2. FTIR of various surface modified-ZrP samples. The strong characteristic bands associated with the asymmetric and symmetric stretching of the C−H, between 2900 and 3000cm−1, and bending at ca. 1450 cm−1 are an indication of the attachments of alkyl chains from various silanes on ZrP nanoplatelets. Figure S3. SEM and EDS results for the original metal surface before testing. Figure S4. SEM and EDS results for the worn metal surface after testing with the C16-ZrP-N6 oil sample. Figure S5. SEM and EDS results for the worn metal surface after testing with the C16-ZrP oil sample. (DOCX 3672 kb