English for specific purposes (ESP) must be taught to meet particular needs of non-English language
students (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987, p.21). It gives direct suggestion that learning process should
be designed in such away not only to meet the learning objectives of the students but also to give
the students meaningful and enjoyable learning experiences (Crawford, 2013, p.1 81). The condition
becomes more challenging when the ESP teachers are only having English language background. It
implies that learning context, which meets the students’ needs, should be carried out in learning
process along with the suitable and enjoyable learning strategies where the students can feel the
pleasure instead of pressure. By considering the three steps of ESP course designing suggested by
Nitu (2002, p.154), this paper aims at proving the effectiveness of integrating the students’ learning
contexts and the students’ pleasure to empower the students’ speaking performance in Health
Science Faculty of Musi Charitas Catholic University Palembang. This study belongs to
experimental research with pre- and post-design. By the end of the study, it was proven that
integrating the nursing field context and the usage of technology in the classroom can help the
students improve their English speaking skills. For evidential information, some videos of learning
process are presente