Reversible CO<sub>2</sub>‑Responsive and Photopolymerizable
Prepolymers for Stepwise Regulation on Demand
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CO<sub>2</sub>-responsive and photopolymerizable
prepolymers are
designed and synthesized. Their good photopolymerization kinetics
and reversible CO<sub>2</sub> and N<sub>2</sub> responses to a bulk
state and in a solution are reported. Stepwise modulation is verified
in template imprinting. Results reveal that stable and high-resolution
patterns can be produced by imprinting liquid prepolymers in CO<sub>2</sub> atmosphere, erased by warm heating, or retained permanently
by chemical cross-linking through photopolymerization with the aid
of a photoinitiator. By contrast, only blurry patterns are obtained
in air