
Dynamics of indicators of psychological compatibility of medical faculty’s students' groups


In the following article indicators dynamics of psychological compatibility of the third year students' groups of medical faculty of Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy (2009-2014) was analyzed. 319 students of Ist medical and 137 students of 3rd medical faculties have taken part in the research. 456 anonymous sociometric card-ques-lionaries were analyzed. It was established, that major psychological compatibility indicators among 1st medical faculty groups have positive dynamics, and among 3rd medical faculty — negative one.• Among both faculty’s students there is decreasing of the prestige of formal leaders (headmen): the level of psychological comparability in dynamics - 70-65% at the 1* medical faculty and 81-70%.at the 3rd medical faculty. There was made an attempt to explain the multidirectional dynamics of indicators of psychological compatibility in both faculties. «Methodological instructions for improving the mental operability of students» were developed. The most simple and convenient method of autogenous training in the form of poetic modification was offered

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