Validation of the Spanish Version of the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire-Adult Form (S-FAQLQ-AF)


Introduction: Specific food allergy quality of life questionnaires have been developed within the context of the EuroPrevall project. We aimed to adapt and validate the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire-Adult Form (FAQLQ-AF) in the Spanish language. Methods: The original English questionnaire was translated and culturally adapted into Spanish following World Health Organization guidelines. The final Spanish version of the FAQLQ-AF (S-FAQLQ-AF) was approved by the original authors. Consecutive patients (>= 18 years old) who fulfilled the following criteria were recruited: 1) diagnosis of food allergy defined as immediate allergic symptoms and a positive prick test or IgE against the culprit food(s) and 2) physician-assessed ability to complete the questionnaires. Patients completed the S-FAQLQ-AF and a Spanish version of the SF-12 questionnaire. Reliability was assessed 10 to 14 days after completion of the first questionnaire. Results: Eighty-two consecutive outpatients were recruited and cross-sectional validity was assessed based on the correlation between the S-FAQLQ-AF and the Food Allergy Independent Measure (FAIM) in this population (rho=0.83, P Conclusion: The S-FAQLQ-AF is a valid, short, easy-to-use, and reliable instrument that discriminates between patients with different atopic phenotypes and is suitable for assessing the impact of IgE-mediated food allergy on patient quality of life

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