
Growth rate and maturation of skeletal muscles over a size range of galliform birds


The relationship between growth rate and development of function in leg and pectoral muscles was studied in four species of galliform birds ranging from 125 g to 18 kg and, for comparison, in an altricial species, the European starling (80 g). An index to neonatal maturity (muscle dry content proportion as a fraction of adult value) was higher in leg than in pectoral muscles and lower in larger than in smaller galliforms. The maturity index was substantially lower in starling neonates, After the first week posthatch, however, the maturity index was highest in larger species. Exponential growth rates decreased linearly with increasing maturity in both pectoral and leg muscles, following similar regressions in all species including the starling. At a particular value of the maturity index, the exponential growth rate was higher in pectoral than in leg muscles, The exponential growth rates of muscles of neonatal large galliforms were lower than expected from their low maturity. This may represent the down-regulation shortly after hatching of the high exponential growth rate needed to reach a large hatching mass in a short incubation period. A slower growth rate immediately posthatch may be necessary if the relatively immature neonatal digestive system cannot deliver nutrients or metabolized energy required for more rapid growth. Smaller species may not be faced with the constraint of rapid growth toward the end of the embryonic period

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