
Controlled generation in example-based machine translation


The theme of controlled translation is currently in vogue in the area of MT. Recent research (Sch¨aler et al., 2003; Carl, 2003) hypothesises that EBMT systems are perhaps best suited to this challenging task. In this paper, we present an EBMT system where the generation of the target string is filtered by data written according to controlled language specifications. As far as we are aware, this is the only research available on this topic. In the field of controlled language applications, it is more usual to constrain the source language in this way rather than the target. We translate a small corpus of controlled English into French using the on-line MT system Logomedia, and seed the memories of our EBMT system with a set of automatically induced lexical resources using the Marker Hypothesis as a segmentation tool. We test our system on a large set of sentences extracted from a Sun Translation Memory, and provide both an automatic and a human evaluation. For comparative purposes, we also provide results for Logomedia itself

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