
Presence of disability in accordance to chronological age of children


Rani probir djece s teškoćama u razvoju postalo je jedno od prioritetnih područja različitih strategija u Europskoj Uniji pa tako i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ranim probirom želi se identificirati djecu s teškoćama u razvoju ili djecu koja su rizična kako bi im se mogla pružiti primjerena i pravovremena podrška. U zemljama EU-e i SAD-u rani se probir provodi pri zdravstvu i odgoju i obrazovanju, što su ujedno dva najčešća sustava koja se bave djecom od najranije dobi. Uz pedijatre, liječnike i odgojitelje, u tom kontekstu roditelji imaju iznimno važnu ulogu jer upravo oni mogu prvi ukazati na postojanje odstupanja u razvojnom slijedu. Stoga se u ovome radu željelo saznati na koji način roditelji percipiraju djetetov razvoj, tj. kako procjenjuju djetetov razvoj u odnosu na kronološku dob djeteta te u kojem su razvojnom periodu najčešće zabrinuti za djetetov razvoj. U tu je svrhu primijenjen američki test probira Ages and stages 3 (Sqiurel i sur., 2009). Istraživanje je provedeno u sklopu istraživačkog projekta INGI 2015-29 pri Sveučilištu J. J. Strossmayer u Osijeku „Promjena paradigme poučavanja u ranom djetinjstvu: konstruktivizam i razvojni pristup vs. biheviorističke strategije“ tijekom 2016. i 2017. godine. Deskriptivna statistička analiza pokazuje kako oko 30% djece pokazuje razvojno odstupanje na jednom ili više razvojnih područja. Roditelji su najčešće zabrinuti za djecu u dobi od 28. do 31. mjeseca života tj. najčešće zapažaju odstupanja u tom periodu. Prikupljeni podatci ukazuju na to da su roditelji zainteresirani za rani razvoj djeteta koji ujedno i pomno prate te da se aktivnijim uključivanjem roditelja u proces ranog probira proces uključivanja djeteta u ranu intervenciju može značajno ubrzati.The early screening test of children with disabilities has become one of the priority areas of different strategies in the European Union, including the Republic of Croatia. Early screening is intended to identify children with developmental difficulties or children who are at risk, so that they can be provided appropriate support on time. In the EU and US countries, early screening is carried out in health care and education, which are also the two most common systems that deal with children from the earliest age. With pediatricians, doctors and nurses, parents have an extremely important role in this context, as they can first point to the existence of discrepancies in the developmental sequence. Therefore, in this paper, the point is to find out how parents perceive the child's development, how to evaluate the child's development in relation to the chronological age of the child, and in which development period are most often concerned about the child's development. For this purpose, the American test script Ages and stages 3 (Sqiurel et al., 2009) has been applied. The research was carried out within the INGI 2015-29 research project at J. J. Strossmayer University in Osijek "Changing the paradigm of teaching in early childhood: constructivism and developmental approaches vs. Behavioral Strategies "during 2016 and 2017. Descriptive statistical analysis shows that about 30% of children show developmental discrepancy in one or more developmental areas. Parents are most often concerned about children aged between 28 and 31, so they often notice deviations in that period. Collected data indicate that parents are interested in early childhood development, closely monitored, and that actively involving parents in the early process of screening the child's involvement in early intervention can significantly accelerate

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