
Pengaruh Pendekatan Terjemahan Matematika Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas III Sdn 16 Pontianak Selatan


This study aims to analyze how high the effect of translation approach to solve problems related to money story to the learning outcomes of students in class III SDN 16 South Pontianak. This study used a quasi-experimental methods (quasy experiments) with experimental designs Non ekuivalent Control Group Design. The study population was around the third grade students of SDN 16 South Pontianak. Research instrument in the form of tests with essay form as many as 10 questions. Data collection techniques used in this study using measurement techniques. Data processing gained an average pre-test control class 58.33 and the average pre-test experimental class 56.56. Post-test data analysis control class 62.95 and the average post-test experimental class 76.75. Results of hypothesis testing using t-test (polled Variance) was obtained (3.620> 1.6699), then the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. This means the application of translation approach to solve problems related to money stories high impact on learning outcomes of students in class III SDN 16 South Pontianak

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