
Pembelajaran Passing Atas Media Bola Karet pada Siswa Sdn 11 Tanjung Buluh Kabupaten Sambas


This study aims to determine the improvement of learning outcomespassing over volleyball mini via media approach to learning a rubber ball. Thisresearch method is quantitative descriptive method with techniques percentage.Subjects were fifth grade students of SDN 11 Tanjung Buluh, who totaled 16students . While the study sample is to use the technique of test actions(performance ). Data collection techniques used on the sample test is a techniquethat is equipped with instrument ratings as a measurement tool, which is used totest the skills of passing over . Passing the above test results are known in cycle 2pesentase mastery learning students by 87.50 % resulting in a very good criterion.So there is an increase of implementation of the test results with the test cycle 2cycle 1 was 87.50 % - 43.75 % = 43.75 % , so improvement results learning ofstudents passing SDN 11 Tanjung Buluh Kabupaten Sambas is 43,75%

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