. High yield and low methane emission are two goals in wetland management systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of biochar and compost on methane emission and yield of rice on acid sulphate soils. The research was conducted on acid sulfate soil in South Kalimantan using a split-split plot design. The main plot was two management regimes which were traditional (S1) and intensive (S2) managements. The sub plot was the NPK fertilization, namely: P1 = NPK 100%, and P2 = NPK 75% of the recommended rate of NPK. The recommendations rate of NPK fertilizers was (kg ha-1) 200 urea; 100 SP 36; and 100 KCl. Sub-sub plots were ameliorants: B0 = Without ameliorants, B1= Farmers\u27 practice, B2= Compost (a combination of ‘Straw\u27 Compost 30% + ‘Purun\u27 Compost 30% + ‘Cattle Manure\u27 Compost 40%), and B3 = Biochar of rice husk. The results showed that the highest methane emissions amounted to 30.40 kg ha-1 season-1 was resulted from S2P1B2 treatment, with the production index (yield/methane emission) of 82.8 and grain yield of 2.5 t ha-1. The highest grain yield of 3.4 t ha-1 was shown in the treatment S2P2B2 with the production index of 438.9 and methane emissions of 7.75 kg ha-1 season-1. The highest rice production index of 788.6 was obtained in the treatment without ameliorant and 100% NPK fertilization. This treatment gave grain yield of only 1.95 t ha-1 and the methane emissions of 2.47 kg ha-1 season-1. This research concluded that the objective of high yield is not synchronized with low methane emission and thus treatment S2P2B2 with the highest yield is remommended