Aspirations of Youth in R.K. Narayan’s The Guide and Its Cinematic Adaptation


R. K. Narayan was leading writer of Indian literature in English. In his writing we saw various issues of Indian Society. He has touched some of the sensitive issues in his works like poverty, caste system, and lack of education. R.K. Narayan’s most famous novel entitled the Guide explores the aspirations Indian society and Indian youth. The movie Guide is an adaptation of the novel Guide presents aspiration of youth and Indian society. Literature always attracts cinema, various movies are based on the books. R. K. Narayan tried to show aspirations of Indian youth in the novel, this issue had attracted film maker. The paper presents the aspirations and beliefs of the main protagonist Raju. The main theme of the novel and movie is transformation of Raju from scoundrel to a sadhu. The paper concludes with a comparative study of The Guide and its cinematic adaptation

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