The paper describes some of the most recent activities in Germany in the technical assessment of future European
launcher architecture. In focus is a joint effort of DLR-SART with German launcher industry in the definition of a
next generation upper-medium class expendable TSTO with an initial operational capability after 2020. Involved
companies are EADS astrium and MT Aerospace. This DLR-agency funded study WOTAN investigates fully
cryogenic launchers as well as those with a combination of solid and cryogenic stages, fulfilling a requirement of 5000
kg single payload into GTO. Solid strap-on boosters should allow both versions further payload growth capability.
In its second part the paper analyzes options for new liquid fuel upper stages to be put on the P80 solid first stage of
the Vega small launcher. Versions with storable as well as cryogenic propellants are investigated in a preliminary
launcher system lay-out and their technical viability is critically assessed