Examining the Outcomes of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as an Integral Tool of Public Sector: Reform in Selected Sectors of the Oromia Regional Government


Over the last two decades Ethiopia has been actively engaged in reforming its public sector in an attempt to make it more responsive, transparent, flexible, and compatible with the demand of its public and its constituencies to ensure good governance. Nevertheless, despite repeated comprehensive reform programs applied and acclaimed success stories by public authorities, the public outcry for responsive public service remains an outstanding challenge. Accordingly, this study aimed to examine the application of the Balanced Score Card (BSC) using a blend of survey and case study methods in 12 organizations selected from three major sectors in four major cities. The study intends to draw lessons for policy implications and consultants who aspire to support the public sector reform efforts in least developed countries. The preliminary output that applied descriptive and inferential statistics and qualitative analysis obtained from focus group discussions suggest that there is a strong desire from the public authorities to align public sector service delivery outcomes with strategic goals and public interest so as to make each job holder accountable for the intended result(s). Nevertheless, there were limitations in maintaining the momentum of the reform: both political and management support were erratic. Although the reform has resulted in a positive mental revolution with respect to the use of BSC among the constituencies involved in the process, the realization of their intentions has remained more form than substance. Interestingly, the study has generated multiple cases that can provoke thinking and empirical lessons for policy makers, consultants and others

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