Ramble: Graphic Design Exhibition


The content I prefer to work with typically deals with the ideas of nature and our place as humans inside of it. This exhibition, Ramble, shows the branding of an outdoor company that encourages a person to exist in nature that is different from our often urban and ordinary lives. By allowing viewers to either think or feel that they are in an outdoors store environment I am attempting to create the desire to go hiking and camping. This body of work is rooted in creating an interaction with the viewer, whether that interaction be design-based via packaging or signage or using illustrative means to invoke a feeling. I use three-dimensional processes such as packaging design as well as two-dimensional processes such as silkscreen and digital printing to create an overall cohesive brand that largely focuses on convincing a person to buy their product to begin their adventure. I often look at work by artists who pull double duty as both illustrators and designers. Currently I find the work of James Gulliver Hancock and Jessica Hische influential; Hische’s work inspires mine by adding illustrations as an accent to a typographic design, and I use limited color palettes in a similar manner to Hancock’s work. Value primarily defines the subjects in my work, I use a graphic style employing blocks of color and value while also occasionally using line illustrations that accent elements. I make realistic and recognizable imagery with illustrations. When working outside of an illustrative style, I create typography based layouts that balance readability and creativity as well as using photographs to effectively convey an idea to a viewer.https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/art498/1001/thumbnail.jp

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