

真实感绘制一直是计算机图形学中一项基本而重要的研究内容,它使用计算机来模拟并重现真实世界中的景象。长期以来,对真实感绘制技术的研究已经取得了丰硕的成果,并且很多研究成果已经成功地应用到了工业领域(如电影及游戏等)。 近年来,随着图形处理器(GPU)的不断发展[1],由于其强大的并行计算能力,越来越多的真实感绘制算法使用图形处理器来进行加速计算。屏幕空间绘制技术正是这样一类利用图形处理器进行加速计算的绘制技术。它大量地使用了图形处理器提供的硬件特性来进行运算。相比传统的绘制技术,它在计算速度上有了很大的提高。 桶型深度剥离算法是一种新提出的基于图形处理器的深度剥离算法。它可以在一遍绘制的过程中收集多个深度层次的深度值信息。由于其计算的过程完全在图形处理器上完成,所以它是一种高效的深度剥离算法。 本文把桶型深度剥离算法应用到屏幕空间绘制技术中,分别提出了基于桶型深度剥离算法的屏幕空间环境遮挡算法和基于桶型深度剥离算法的软阴影生成算法。前者利用桶型深度剥离算法提供的深度值信息来计算环境遮挡,解决了传统屏幕空间环境遮挡算法不能计算对于视点来说的被遮挡物体产生的环境遮挡值的问题;后者是一种新的软阴影生成算法,它使用桶型深度剥离算法提供的深度值信息来计算并生成软阴影。相比传统的软阴影算法,该算法可更好地支持场景中的动态光源与物体。这两种算法都在图形处理器上完成计算,具有实时的绘制速度。Photorealistic rendering is a basic and important research area in computer graphics. It uses computers to imitate and reproduce the real world. For a long time , many achievements have been gained which almost had been applied to the industry such as movies and computer games. In recent years, the GPU became more and more powerful[1], more and more photorealistic rendering algorithms use the GPU to accelerate the computation. Screen space rendering techniques are of such kind. These techniques make use of the powerful hardware features provided by the GPU and the computation speed of these techniques exceed the traditional ones. Bucket depth peeling algorithm is a new technique based on GPU. It can get several depth layers information by rendering the scene once. All its computations are performed on GPU,so it is an efficient technique. This thesis applies the bucket depth peeling algorithm to screen space rendering techniques and proposes two algorithms: bucket depth peeling based screen space ambient occlusion algorithm and bucket depth peeling based soft shadow algorithm. The former uses the depth information provided by the bucket depth peeling algorithm to calculate the ambient occlusion and solve the problem that original screen space ambient occlusion algorithm can’t compute the ambient occlusion generated by the objects which are invisible to the view point . The latter is a new soft shadow algorithm ,it uses the depth information provided by the bucket depth peeling algorithm to compute and generate soft shadows. It provides more supports to the dynamic lighting and objects comparing to existing algorithms. These two algorithms are performed completely on GPU and they achieve real-time rendering speed

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