
Status after early retirement the effects of social network and activity level on body age and health


The present study explored the relationship of general health and body age (measured by the Adult Growth Examination, Morgan, 1981) with leisure activity, social network and life events, for 38 noncommissioned officers; retiring in 1981 or 1976. Retirees from 1981 were expected to have experienced more change in health, leisure activity, and social network, life events and to have poorer health and body age scores. Importance and satisfaction of relationships, few life changes, high frequency and enjoyment of leisure activity were expected to be related to perceived good health and low body ages. Perceived good health and low body ages were expected to have fewer changes in leisure activity and social network and fewer life events than high body ages and poor health. Those in good health were expected to have fewer contacts with social services and health providers than those in poor health. The 1981 group experienced significantly more change in social network and activity level than the 1976 group. Body age was found to be unrelated to all other variables for the present sample. General health was related to life events, activity frequency and enjoyment, and social network. However, the relationship between general health and importance and satisfaction of relationships was more complex than predicted, and requires further study. The possible impact of self-selecting characteristics of the participants was discussed. The present study failed to find a group of people with significantly older body ages which may account for the failure of body age to be related to the other variables. Methodological problems were noted and future research suggested

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