Information tools for the preparation and monitoring of education plans


Devoted to "Information tools for the preparation and monitoring of education plans", this issue is addressed to specialists in the field of education information systems as well as to policy-makers and education ministry officials concerned with improving their knowledge of methods and tools required in setting up development plans and monitoring their implementation. An information system is the basis of management, planning and evaluation of an education system. During the education management process, the information system should inform the different actors and partners on the state of the sector, its internal and external efficiency, its pedagogical and institutional operation, its performance, shortcomings and needs. Most countries develop an education database using the results of school census and/or surveys that are carried out on an intermittent basis. These data are published in bulky statistical yearbooks, often raw, fragmented and without analysis. And yet, policy-makers and other actors in management and planning need easily understandable and interpretable data. These should be supported by in-depth analyses on the functioning of the system, that help in policy formulation, planning of relevant actions, and in monitoring and evaluation of the latter

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