
(Re)Construction of gendered identities in educational and social spaces. Pedagogical and psychological contributions.


In this paper we analyze the role of education in the configuration of gendered models of space, both at home and in the city, and we also consider the uneven distribution of power through educational contexts in terms of visibility, prominence and occupation of territory. Considering critically the regulatory nature that applies in these settings we intend to generate potential transformations of the persistent models of spatial segregation and stereotyped behaviours . Likewise, we propose to try out the environmental autobiography -in the education of future professionals -as a suitable didactic resource aimed at reconstructing the subjective experi ence of sexual differentiation of space and also to encourage questioning on our own sexism. We conclude demanding, in addition, the consideration of the possibilities of the biophilic design in order to promote childhood health through projects that arti culate gender and environment, equality and sustainability

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