
Portraits of pre-service classroom teachers: exploring intentions to integrate music through the lens of the theory of planned behavior


Thesis (D.M.A.)--Boston UniversityThe primary purpose of this short-term study was to examine pre-service classroom teachers' intentions to integrate music in their future classrooms. Using the theory of planned behavior (Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010) as a framework, and embedded, multiple-case study design, I developed case studies of six pre-service classroom teachers enrolled in a music methods class. I identified changes in their perceptions of music integration, changes in their attitudes toward music integration, changes in their perceptions of subjective norms, and changes in their perceived behavioral control over music integration. Results indicated that participation in an elementary music methods course with an initial focus on the development of musical skills and a later focus on music integration might have influenced such changes. Following the theory of planned behavior, the results of this study suggest that participants are more likely to integrate music in their future classrooms after participating in the methods course. All participants expressed confidence in teaching lessons they had created, regardless of their overall confidence to integrate music. Participants' confidence in their ability to integrate music and their actual ability to integrate music did not always align. Influential course components included an initial emphasis on the joy of music making followed by a focus on music integration, valuable course assignments, an informed and experienced course instructor, and successful course activities, including participation in model lessons, peer teaching, and reflection. Implications for music education include possible revisions to current curricular models at the teacher education level, a call for active participation and engagement in musical activities during methods courses, and a call for increased collaboration between teachers of different subjects

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