
Einfluss von Diäten aus konventioneller und biologischer Erzeugung auf Fruchtbarkeitsparameter bei Kaninchen


In order to test the effect of organic vs. conventional diets on fertility traits, we conducted an on-farm study with female rabbits. Eight groups of seven to eight female rabbits kept in systems with litter were fed ad libitum with either organic or conventional pellets. Offspring was weaned with approx. 28 days. In the first series analysed, the conception rate was higher in the conventional groups. Diet type had no significant influence on that trait. Nevertheless, a significant influence of diet on litter size was found: organically fed female rabbits produced more offspring per litter. The organic groups also showed higher rates of weaned animals, despite of a slightly higher mortality of offspring in these groups, but differences for both traits were not significant compared to conventional animals. Inconsistency of findings in the first series of this study concerning the effect of different diets on fertility traits were also found in literature. Data from the currently running second series will show whether the slightly positive effect of organic diet will become more evident

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