Business plan: Litux


Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs 2020/2021Litux, is a web project for the promotion of premises, whose function is that users can consult and visit the places that best suit them. The objective of Litux is the promotion of bars, pubs, restaurants, discos, exchange clubs and singles clubs. As a result of this promotion, it is intended to classify the different places according to the public that visits them, in order to create stable and sociable climates. We want to offer a reservation management, promotion and customer loyalty service apart from transmitting a greater number of information to users so that they can choose the most suitable location for them, be it the average age of the customers or the average price between others. Our target audience is any owner of a local who is willing to promote himself and any user who is looking for a specific place to socialize. We must highlight as competitors those promotion websites or dating websites. What differentiates us from them is the amount of extra data we provide in reference to the public and the creation of an environment to socialize. In reference to the web page sector, it is a very mature sector, with a large number of competitors which leads us to an oligarchy. Based on the different analyzes carried out on the competitors and the environment, we have decided to take the following competitive and marketing strategies: Cost leadership, Low cost differentiation, focus strategy and “push” strategy. Initially, the company is consolidated by two working partners, who delegate certain tasks to external companies. The transmission and promotion of the service will be carried out personally by visiting certain venues or participating in certain events. With the growth of the company, it is intended to expand the workforce and that the tasks carried out by external companies are carried out by the staff themselves. In the same way, it is intended that clients look for our website to promote themselves and not us look for them (Change of strategy from "push" to "pull"). We intend to bill each client a different price depending on the category he chooses, the cheapest being € 30 per month. Being a new company, it requires a certain amount of money and a large amount of work. For this reason, we have estimated that we will need a bank loan of € 8,000 and the first year will cost us € 22,870. We have also calculated that the company will begin to be profitable from customer No. 60. We believe that Litux is a viable project, due to the change in today's society and by transmitting the amount of information necessary for users to feel safe and comfortable in their decisions without having to make prior visits to the premises. The first years will be negative and hard due to the total outlay involved in the creation of the company, but these results will be validated from the second year. With the obtaining of positive results, we will be able to consider the expansion of the company and the hiring of more people

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