
Teaching in a nutshell: navigating your teacher education program as a student teacher [Book Review]


Teacher education programs bridge the interests of two worlds - the world of educational theory and the world of teaching practice. Despite teacher educators’ best attempts to convince pre-service teachers that theory and practice are linked, it is often during their practicum placements when pre-service teachers claim that their ‘real’ learning takes place. It is also on practicum when students teachers face (and are surprised by) the ‘extensive decision-making role of the teacher, the emotional aspects of teaching, and the sheer volume of work’ (p.4). Kosnick and Beck’s new book Teaching in a Nutshell utilises the authors’ extensive research with beginning teachers to help students ‘navigate’ their way through their programs. Identifying what they have found in their research to be the seven key priorities for teachers, each chapter follows a helpful structure beginning with an overview of current thinking in the priority area, followed by a case study of a beginning teacher showing how s/he implements the strategy..

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