
Characterization of Pilot Technique


Skilled pilots often use pulse control when controlling higher order (i.e. acceleration-command) vehicle dynamics. Pulsing does not produce a stick response that resembles what the human Crossover Model predicts. The Crossover Model (CM) assumes the pilot provides compensation necessary (lead or lag) such that the suite of display-human-vehicle approximates an integrator in the region of crossover frequency. However, it is shown that the CM does appear to drive the pilots pulsing behavior in a very predictable manner. Roughly speaking, the pilot generates pulses such that the area under the pulse (pulse amplitude multiplied by pulse width) is approximately equal to area under the hypothetical CM output. This can allow a pilot to employ constant amplitude pulsing so that only the pulse duration (width) is modulated a drastic simplification over the demands of continuous tracking. A pilot pulse model is developed, with which the parameters of the pilots internally-generated CM can be computed in real time for pilot monitoring and display compensation. It is also demonstrated that pursuit tracking may be activated when pulse control is employed

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