An enhanced sensitivity procedure for continuous gravitational-wave detection


Isolated rotating neutron stars, asymmetric with respect to their rotational axes, are expected to emit nearly monochromatic gravitational wave signals. The signal arriving at the detector is frequency modulated by the Earth’s motion and by the intrinsic source spin-down. Searches for such signals from stars with parameters only loosely known, or unknown, are computationally challenging because of the large volume of parameter space to be explored. One way to increase the final sensitivity of the search, limiting the high computational cost of it, is presented in this work. We have developed a new framework for future continuous-wave searches, consisting of a fast production of band-limited time series, already downsampled and cleaned. This new setup will be applied to the next all-sky searches for electromagnetically-silent neutron stars and will be used for future searches for signals from Fermi LAT “unassociated” sources, many of which are expected to be neutron stars with completely unknown rotational parameters and a slightly uncertain position

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