Introduction. Synovitis is an inflammation occurs in a joint marked by an increase in macrophage numbers in synovium resulting in cartilago and bone destruction by production of fibroblasts. Administration of non-steroid anti inflammation drug (NSAID) in management of arthritis and synovitis has its own complications, including gastrointestinal and bleeding disorder. Propolis, a natural bee product, is recognized as one of traditional pain killers at knee joint pain containing flavonoid and caffeic acid phenolic esters (CAPE). Several studies show its anti-inflammation effect, but its effect compared to other NSAID is still unknown. Therefore the aim of the study is to compare Propolis and celecoxib anti-inflammation effect in rat with knee joint synovitis. Materials and Methods. In this experimental study, Wistar strain rats were used. They were divided into three groups. Each group were given peptidoglycan only, peptidoglycan followed by Propolis, and peptidoglycan followed by celecoxib. Scoring based on number of macrophages and synovitis degree were evaluated by immunohistochemistry CD 68 and HE staining. It was evaluated in day 1, 3, and 14. Those scores were collected and analyzed using ANOVA. Results. Increasing number of macrophages and synovitis degree for all groups occur on day 3 and continuously decreasing until day 14. There is a significant difference in number of macrophages between grup 1 and the other two groups on day 3 (p<0.05). It shows that there is an anti-inflammation effect of both propolis and celecoxib. On day 3 and 14, the number of macrophages in grup 2 were five times lower than grup 3. (p<0.05) Conclusions. Propolis anti-inflammation effect shows 4-5 folds stronger than celecoxib in knee joint synovitis