A comparative study on Innovation management processes in the context of developing and developed countries


Aim: Innovation gets to be the pivotal factor for surviving and sustaining a business in the long term. The scenario of innovation management could be performed in a very particular way among developed, developing, and under-developed countries. We have found a gap, that no comparative research has been done among different geographical areas, especially in hotel industry innovation sectors yet. The main aim of this thesis is to identify how two different countries from different regions are practicing their innovation management process. Method: An explanatory sequential mixed method had been used to develop our study where both quantitative and qualitative data were collected through surveys and interviews. To analyse the data a deductive technique was approached by using an established innovation management process framework; named ‘SPOTS' model, developed by Tidd (2001).  Results & Conclusions: There exist noticeable differences between Sweden and Bangladesh in terms of time management, budget, strategy, communication and others which also showcase why Sweden is the leading country in the matter of innovation. In the meantime, in spite of having enough human resources and materials Bangladesh is fighting to implement successful innovations due to the lack of guidance, strategy, and budget. Contribution of the thesis: We have conducted comparative research in the hotel industry in Bangladesh and Sweden, which represents the innovation management scenario in developed and developing countries. It also addresses the point of improvements for the respective countries. Our thesis will be helpful for future researchers who will conduct further studies in the hospitality industry of different economical background nations. Suggestions for future research: This thesis is limited to two countries, two hotels, and managerial views of the organization in innovation management. The future researcher could utilize the scope to work with a large sample size in different hotels in different nations. Moreover, further studies could be done to discuss and test all the five elements of the SPOTS model, developed by (Tidd, 2001) in the hotel industry

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