Effects of migration on the open-country population of Iowa, 1950-61


Accelerating mobility is a characteristic of modern society. As technological revolution reshuffles occupational priorities, more people find it necessary to change jobs and often to change residences as well. Although discussions of high mobility usually refer to the urban population, there is growing evidence that rural people constitute a substantial part of the mass movement of population that occurs each year. The census count of the farm population of Iowa in 1960 was 662,239, compared with 782,650 in 1950. Thus, there were about 120,000 fewer people in the farm population of the state in 1960 than there were in 1950. Part of this reduction is only an apparent one resulting from a change of definition between 1950 and 1960 of the farm population, but there can be little doubt that there was a real and substantial decline in Iowa\u27s farm population. At the same time, the rural nonfarm population increased

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