
On Scores, Losing Scores and Total Scores in Hypertournaments


A kk-hypertournament is a complete kk-hypergraph with each kk-edge endowed with an orientation, that is, a linear arrangement of the vertices contained in the edge. In a kk-hypertournament, the score sis_{i} (losing score rir_{i}) of a vertex viv_{i} is the number of arcs containing viv_{i} in which viv_{i} is not the last element (in which viv_{i} is the last element). The total score of viv_{i} is defined as ti=siβˆ’rit_{i}=s_{i}-r_{i}. In this paper we obtain stronger inequalities for the quantities βˆ‘i∈Iri\sum_{i\in I}r_{i}, βˆ‘i∈Isi\sum_{i\in I}s_{i} and βˆ‘i∈Iti\sum_{i\in I}t_{i}, where IβŠ†{1,2,…,n}I\subseteq \{ 1,2,\ldots,n\}. Furthermore, we discuss the case of equality for these inequalities. We also characterize total score sequences of strong kk-hypertournaments

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