
Development of Learning Media Based on Active Learning for Principles Design Subject to Conduct Students Intellectual Skills


This study aims to accommodate the learning ability of students to do with the intellectual skills that include skill discriminate or distinguish information, defines the concept of skill, and skill in applying the rules of the course design principles. The study was designed in two stages. The first stage, a preliminary study of the principles of product development engineering courses. The second phase, further research in the form of class action research steps followed by three cycles of Lewin's model of the steps include (1) planning, (2) action, (3) observations, and (4) reflection. Implementation of the four components of relationship is seen as one cycle. Learning in classroom action research using active learning strategies, the results indicate that the product of learning the principles of design applied to the active learning strategies can enhance the intellectual skills. In conclusion, learning on the course design principles are implemented with the active learning with the help of media interactive learning can assist students in learning to apply the principles of designing a simple technological tools, so as to enhance the intellectual skills of student

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