The perfect nurse by the eyes of pediatric patiens and his parents


Bachelor paper "The perfect nurse in the eyes of pediatric patients and their parents" deals with the evaluation of professional nurses from the perspective of how the youngest of patients, school children and adolescents and their parents perceive them. The paper is divided into two sections - theoretical and empirical. The theoretical section describes the meaning of the word ideal, enables a retrospective view of the past, and describes the present state of pediatric care. It also deals with the education and the competencies of nurses. A considerable emphasis is given to the evaluation of an ideal image of nurses, particularly their knowledge, their skills, their character, their communication skills, the education given to children and the parents of the children. In the empirical section objectives are set and a working hypothesis is proposed for the survey. The purpose of the empirical section is to obtain real data, through the use of questionnaires, for which then a primary analysis is conducted. The obtained results are used to help to find the ideal image of nurses and the ideal characteristics for nurses working on pediatric wards to reveal to what extent nurses fulfill this ideal

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