
Improved solution of the lidar equation utilizing particle counter measurements


The extraction of particle backscattering from incoherent lidar measurements poses some problems. In the case of measurements of the stratospheric aerosol layer the solution of the lidar equation is based on two assumptions which are necessary to normalize the measured signal and to correct it with the two-way transmission of the laser pulse. Normalization and transmission are tackled by adding the information contained in aerosol particle counter measurements of the University of Wyoming to the ruby lidar measurements at Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Calculated backscattering from height levels above 25 km for the El Chichon period will be compared with lidar measurements and necessary corrections. The calculated backscatter-to-extinction ratios are compared to those, which were derived from a comparison of published extinction values to measured lidar backscattering at Garmisch. These ratios were used to calculate the Garmisch lidar returns. For the period 4 to 12 months after the El Chichon eruption a backscater-to-extinction ratio of 0.026 1/sr was applied with smaller values before and after that time

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