
Wind tunnel evaluation of YF-12 inlet response to internal airflow disturbances with and without control


The response of terminal-shock position and static pressures in the subsonic duct of a YF-12 aircraft flight-hardware inlet to perturbations in simulated engine corrected airflow were obtained with and without inlet control. Frequency response data, obtained with inlet controls inactive, indicated the general nature of the inherent inlet dynamics, assisted in the design of controls, and provided a baseline reference for responses with active controls. All the control laws were implemented by means of a digital computer that could be programmed to behave like the flight inlet's existing analog control. The experimental controls were designed using an analytical optimization technique. The capabilities of the controls were limited primarily by the actuation hardware. The experimental controls provided somewhat better attenuation of terminal shock excursions than did the YF-13 inlet control. Controls using both the forward and aft bypass systems also provided somewhat better attenuation than those using just the forward bypass. The main advantage of using both bypasses is in the greater control flexibility that is achieved

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