The behavior of radiogenic particles at solidification fronts


The thermal behavior of insoluble radiogenic particles at the solid-liquid interface of an advancing solidification front and its significance with regard to environmental impact are discussed. It is shown that, unlike classical particles, where the most probable behavior is engulfing by the solidification front, radiogenic particles are more likely to be rejected by the solidification front. Utilizing a simplified physical model, an adaptation of classical theoretical models is performed, where it is shown that, unlike classical particles, for radiogenic particles the mechanism is thermally driven. An analytical expression for the critical velocity of the solidification front for engulfing/rejection to occur is derived. The study could be potentially important to several fields, e.g. in engineering applications where technological processes for the physical removal of radionuclide particles dispersed throughout another substance by inducing solidification could be envisaged, in planetary science where the occurrence of radiogenic concentration could result in the possibility of the eruption of primordial comet/planetoids, or, if specific conditions are suitable, particle ejection may result in an increase in concentration as the front moves, which can translate into the formation of hot spots.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under fellowship grant Ramon y Cajal: RYC-2013-13459

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