This paper presents an overview of the selected essay corpus of Ivan
Cankar, Taras Kermauner, Ferdo Kozak, Denis Poniž, Ivan Prijatelj,
Alojz Rebula, and Jože Snoj. In their texts I attempted to find confirmation
of the thesis of Ivan Prijatelj that the consciousness of our
selves, and of the fact that Slovene culture and the Slovene national
essence took shape in relatively close and positive connection with
German culture, was decisively formed by Trubar and by the Slovene
Reformation.Prispevek ponuja pregled nad izbranim esejističnim korpusom Ivana
Cankarja, Tarasa Kermaunerja, Ferda Kozaka, Denisa Poniža, Ivana
Prijatelja, Alojza Rebule in Jožeta Snoja. V njihovih besedilih sem iskala
potrditev teze Ivana Prijatelja, ki pravi, da sta tako Primož Trubar
kot slovenska reformacija odločilno sooblikovala zavest o nas samih
in da je slovenska kultura ter z njo slovenska narodna bit nastajala v
razmeroma tesnem in pozitivnem stiku z nemško kulturo