
Reformasi Administrasi Di Kecamatan Kandis Kabupaten Siak


: SubdistrictKandisis aresult of the expansionofMinassub-district, based on theSiakDistrict RegulationNo.41of 2002, which isbordered by thedistricts andother districts. Current conditionsthat the problemisrequiredone-stop servicetothe district level. Based on theexisting conditionsat theHead OfficeKandisSiak, integrated servicesare still notgoing well. Therefore, itis necessary to studyin order to determineandanalyzehow theobjectiveof Administrative ReforminKandisSiakDistrict Office, first. Second, todetermineandanalyzeobstaclesin the implementation of administrative reformsaimat Kandis Siak District Office. Initiated research method of determining the location of Kandis SiakDistrict Office. The populationin this studyis theHead Off iceemployeesandthe community. Camatused as Key Informance. The sampling technique use discensus for government apparatusand techniques for public accidental. Source sandty pesof data used areprimaryand secondary. While the technique of data collection surveys, questionnai resandinterviews. The data have been collected based on the type and formof data, forsubsequentqualitativedata isanalyzed descriptively. Of the research activities conductedin mind that the administrative reformin Kandis Siak District Office has been going well. This provedone ofthe new buildingat the same timemadethe removalof the old buildingto the new building which ismore representative. Similarly,if it is associated with the concept oftheoryused. The first conclusion from this study; administrative reformin the District Kandis Siak already well underway. Secondly, factors inhibiting the administrative reformisintroductionandpromotion ofthe merit system, the use of PPBS, processingthe data through automatedin formation systems, increased use of scientific knowledge and others. This has been doneonlylimitedto the use ofe-ID card. As for other matterssuch as family card and land document shave not been running

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    Last time updated on 18/10/2017