Volunteers in the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake : The characteristics of volunteers who had been working in some shelters


1995年1月17日,兵庫県南部で発生した壊滅的大地震は,関西地区に住む多くの人たちに甚大な被害をもたらした。被災地および避難者を支援するために,地震直後から各避難所においてボランティアは活発に活動していた。我々は,阪神・淡路大震災において活躍したボランティア像を明らかにするために,神戸市東灘区の8カ所と芦屋市の1カ所の避難所で,地震からほぼ1カ月後,2カ月後の2回,そこで活動するボランティアを対象にインタビュー調査を実施した。被験者の数は,第1調査で106,第2調査で83であった。調査の結果,ボランティアの大半が,今までにボランティア活動を経験したことが無く,彼らの主要な参加動機は「被援助者(被災者)が援助を必要としている」といった他者志向的な動機であった。多くのボランティアは活動を行う上で種々の問題を抱えていたが,自己の活動に満足し,その上,現在の活動終了後も何らかのボランティア活動に参加したいと思っていた。The disastrous earthquarke that occurred on January 17th 1995 in South Hyogo has caused serious disruption of the lives of residents in the Kansai district. A great number of volunteers worked hard immediately after the earthquake in many shelters, in order to support refugees in the disaster area. For examination of the characteristics of these volunteers, twice at an interval of one month we interviewed those who had been working in 8 shelters at Higashina da-ku in Kobe city and one shelter at Ashiya city. The number of subjects was 106 in the first survey, 83 in the second survey. Our survey showed that most of volunteers had no experience of volunteer works, and one of their main motives was \u27other-oriented\u27, such as "victims seem to need help." Even though most of the volunteers encountered various problems, they were satisfied with their volunteer work and wanted to participate in future volunteer works

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