A one-parameter family of long-range resonating valence bond (RVB) state on
the square lattice was previously proposed to describe a critical spin liquid
(SL) phase of the spin-1/2 frustrated Heisenberg model. We provide evidence
that this RVB state in fact also realises a topological (long-range entangled)
Z2​ SL, limited by two transitions to critical SL phases. The
topological phase is naturally connected to the Z2​ gauge symmetry
of the local tensor. This work shows that, on one hand, spin-1/2 topological
SL with C4v​ point group symmetry and SU(2) spin rotation symmetry exists
on the square lattice and, on the other hand, criticality and nonbipartiteness
are compatible. We also point out that, strong similarities between our phase
diagram and the ones of classical interacting dimer models suggest both can be
described by similar Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions. This scenario is further
supported by the analysis of the one-dimensional boundary state.Comment: v2: improve presentation, present new evidence and add reference