We report codes for the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) in
FeynRules -- the SMEFTsim package. The codes enable theoretical predictions for
dimension six operator corrections to the Standard Model using numerical tools,
where predictions can be made based on either the electroweak input parameter
set {α^ew,m^Z,G^F} or {m^W,m^Z,G^F}. All of the baryon and lepton number conserving
operators present in the SMEFT dimension six Lagrangian, defined in the Warsaw
basis, are included. A flavour symmetric U(3)5 version with possible
non-SM CP violating phases, a (linear) minimal flavour violating version
neglecting such phases, and the fully general flavour case are each
implemented. The SMEFTsim package allows global constraints to be determined on
the full Wilson coefficient space of the SMEFT. As the number of parameters
present is large, it is important to develop global analyses on reduced sets of
parameters minimizing any UV assumptions and relying on IR kinematics of
scattering events and symmetries. We simultaneously develop the theoretical
framework of a "W-Higgs-Z pole parameter" physics program that can be pursued
at the LHC using this approach and the SMEFTsim package. We illustrate this
methodology with several numerical examples interfacing SMEFTsim with
The SMEFTsim package can be downloaded at
https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/SMEFTComment: Corrected numerics of section 10.5.1, references added, minor changes
and corrected typos. Version published in JHE