
HELP! An AL's survival guide to developing online tutorials without time or skill


As an Academic Librarian in a growing university, I am supporting more and more students who are studying at a distance, whether they are on distance learning programmes or because they are on placement. However, in a bustling and busy university Academic Librarians do not always have the time to devote themselves to developing impressive technological online information skills tutorials. As part of my Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher education, I chose to challenge myself to develop online support for my students. My action research project looked at developing tutorials in a timely manner that responded to student needs. These tutorials were reviewed by students and staff and the feedback was used to create and build more tutorials. I had to provide online tutorials that were comparable to the face-to-face sessions I offered on campus. I tried videos, guides and lecture capture, to name but a few, in an attempt to meet students at their point of need. This session will present the results of my action research project and generate discussion on how to make the best of it when you may not have the time or skills. Therefore this presentation will offer ideas on how to future-proof yourself as an IL practitioner and how to keep up with online developments. The session will generate discussion around the development of online information skills tutorials, looking at solutions for those with little time and technical skill. Ideas will be exchanged and examples demonstrated to help Librarians to develop the online IL tutorials and support to help students both at home and abroad

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