Production-quality parallel applications are often a mixture of diverse
operations, such as computation- and communication-intensive, regular and
irregular, tightly coupled and loosely linked operations. In conventional
construction of parallel applications, each process performs all the
operations, which might result inefficient and seriously limit scalability,
especially at large scale. We propose a decoupling strategy to improve the
scalability of applications running on large-scale systems.
Our strategy separates application operations onto groups of processes and
enables a dataflow processing paradigm among the groups. This mechanism is
effective in reducing the impact of load imbalance and increases the parallel
efficiency by pipelining multiple operations. We provide a proof-of-concept
implementation using MPI, the de-facto programming system on current
supercomputers. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this strategy by decoupling
the reduce, particle communication, halo exchange and I/O operations in a set
of scientific and data-analytics applications. A performance evaluation on
8,192 processes of a Cray XC40 supercomputer shows that the proposed approach
can achieve up to 4x performance improvement.Comment: The 46th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-2017