
input, output and throughput


1\. Introduction 5 2\. EU Legitimizing Mechanisms: Output, Input and Throughput 6 3\. Output Legitimacy 11 3.1 Institutional Regulatory Output 11 3.2 Constructive Discursive Output 13 4\. Input Legitimacy 16 4.1 Institutional Representative Input 16 4.2 Constructive Deliberative Input 18 5\. Throughput Legitimacy 20 5.1 Institutional Pluralist Throughput 21 5.2 Institutional Rules-Based Throughput 22 5.3 Constructive Deliberative Throughput 24 6\. Conclusion: Input, Output and Throughput as Democratic Trilemma or Virtuous Circule? 26 Literature 28Whether their analytic frameworks focus on institutional form and practices or on its interactive construction, scholars have analyzed the EU’s democratic legitimacy mainly in terms of the trade-offs between the output effectiveness of EU’s policies outcomes for the people and the input participation by and representation of the people. Missing is theorization of the “throughput” efficiency, accountability, transparency, and openness to consultation with the people of the EU’s internal governance processes. The paper argues that adding this analytic category facilitates assessment of these legitimizing mechanisms’ interdependencies and facilitates consideration of reforms that could turn this democratic trilemma into a “virtuous circle”

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