Worldwide we should achieve more efficient, clinically more effective and safer health care organizations, specially those in Primary Care (PC), where knowledge is less. For greater Patient Safety (PS) in PC Organizations, professionals are the key to ensure safety, with the involvement from Patient & Family. The goal is understand what Professionals Health Center Cartaxo Know and consequently incorporate PS in professional activity.What the PS know and consequently incorporate SD is little, it is carried out informally, not systematic, there is not enough information / training, much less routine routine of SD. Discrepancies in knowledge highlight crucial
training vs information. The Cartaxo Health Center challenges are educational, structural and physical. Who integrates SD health care training (base / postgraduate, service) or Health Accreditation
The knowledge about nature/impact and of adverse events is scarce (greater local reality than Primary Care)
The Safety & Notification are not uniform, and used mainly in accredited units.
The Safety Cultural is non-uniform in Functional Units (do not know differences). Is more difficult to notify about
vacines at home. It is very important home context, family, informal