'Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University'
The objectives of this research were to invent the red-algae diversity, its distribution, and the contribution of physical environment to the algae it self and their habitat. Transect method was used with plot area of I X I m. Study area, 289 m in length, was divided into 3 station with 7 transects and 49 plots. Species diversity, abundance, physical and chemical environmental factors and the pattern of distribution were the focused on. The result showed that 7 species of red-algae were founded, consist of: Corallina sp, Gellidium sp, Laurentia sp, Gigartina sp, Eucheuma sp, Gracilaria sp, and Gymnogongrus sp. The frequency and coverage from the best to the least were as follows: Corallina sp 0,43% and 2,42%; Geilidium sp 0,83% and l9%, Laurentia sp 1% and 10,04%; Gigartina sp 0,83% and 11,8%; Eucheuma sp l% and 2,16%; Gracilaria sp l% and 9% and Gymnogongrus sp 0,28% and 0,95%. The distribution of each species of red algae was clumped. Physical and chemical environmental factor were driving the distribution of the red- algae. Thus, the habitat was determined on the rocky substrate with some growth orientation toward the sea