
Pengaruh Agency Cost of Free Cash Flow Terhadap Tingkat Konservatisme Dan Pengujian Efek Moderasi Kebijakan Hutang, Pendistribusian Kas, Persistensi Kas, Dan Tata Kelola Perusahaan


This research investigates whether the J-type firm (high agency cost of free cash flow) provide more conservative financial statements than non J-type firm. Besides, this research also aim to examine the moderating effects of debt, dividend, stock repurchase, cash persistency, and corporate governance on the relationship between the level of agency cost of free cash flow and conservatism level of financial statements. This research uses two measurement of conservatism, namely accrual conservatism and market value conservatism. Research sample includes manufacturing companies listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange for the year 2007, 2008 and 2010. The result proves that there is a positive and significant relationship between the level of agency cost of free cash flow and the two measurement of conservatism level of financial stataments. However, this research shows that there is no effect of the moderating variables on that relationship

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