
Kewajiban Calon Notaris Untuk Merahasiakan Segala Sesuatu Mengenai Akta Yang Dibuatnya Dan Segala Keterangan Yang Diperoleh Guna Pembuatan Akta (Analisis Yuridis Pasal 16A Ayat (2) Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perubahan Atas


There is a chapter on the addition of a notary candidate apprenticeship in UUJN No. 2 in 2014, namely Article 16A paragraph (2) which regulates the obligations of the notary internship. The article above sounds vague and contrary to Article 1 paragraph (1) and Article 15 paragraph (1) UUJN authority of a notary. This research has the goal to determine the ratio legis provisions of Article 16A (2) UUJN No. 2 of 2014 related to obligations of a candidate notary and legal consequences that arise when there is a candidate notary who violate the provisions contained in Article 16A (2) UUJN No. 2 2014. The method used is a method normative research by using approach legislation. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the ratio legis provisions of Article 16A (2) UUJN No. 2 of 2014 related to obligations of candidate notaries to keep all sesuatuu related to "deed" were made "and all the" information "obtained in order to manufacture a" deed based on the theory of certainty the law is to ensure the certainty of an authentic deed. According to the theory of authority, a notary candidate does not have the authority to make the authentic act because under article 15, paragraph 1, which has the authority to make the authentic act is only a notary. Based on academic paper Law No. 2 Year 2014 states that the addition of the article is intended that the candidate notary obtain professional competence, personal and social accordance with the purpose of the internship, the transfer of knowledge and skills (transfer of knowledge and skills). Legal consequences arising from the provisions of Article 16A (2) Notary Act No. 2 of 2014 that the deed made by the notary candidate shall be null and void

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