'Indonesian Agency For Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD)'
Observation on population and attack of meneerder (PDJ) and its natural enemies was conducted since Julyto September 2002 in Winowanga village, Lore Utara district, and Poso regency, Central Sulawesi, at 1,200 m abovesea level. This study aimed to evaluate population and attack of PDJ and its natural enemy to set an integrated pestmanagement (IPM) program on citrus. Observation was conducted at the four models of cropping patterns as thetreatments and three location as the replication using a randomized block design. Average population of the pest was2.75 rear/plant and rate of attack was of 19 percent. Natural enemies\u27 population of the large black ant in thecropping pattern of Arjuna corn variety with local tomato variety among citrus plants was 2.1 heads/plant and that ofspider was 2.0 heads/plant. In the Cropping patern of corn with kidney bean local variety among citrus plants theaverage population of this pest was 1.66 heads/plant and rate of attack was 20.83 percent on the leaves. Naturalenemies\u27 population of the large black ant was 1.50 heads/plant and that of spider was 1.70 heads/plant. In thecropping pattern of corn among citrus plants the average population of this pest was 1.33 heads/plant and rate ofattack was 9.16 percent. Natural enemyies\u27 population of the large black ant was 130 heads/plant and that of spiderwas 1.40 heads/plant. In the citrus monoculture cropping pattern the average population of this pest was 2.0 was/plantand rate attack was 18.66 percent. Natural enemies\u27 population of the large black ant was 1.60 heads/plant and that ofspider was 1.90 heads/plant. These cropping patterns could increase farmers\u27 income and could be classified as IPMcomponents as long as pests monitoring is carried out every five days.Key words : phylocnistis citrella, population, rate of attack, citrus Pengamatan populasi dan serangan penggerek daun jeruk (PDJ) telah dilaksanakan sejak bulan Juli sampaiSeptember 2002 di Desa Winowanga, Kecamatan Lore Utara, Kabupaten Poso Sulawesi tengah, pada ketinggian 1200m di atas permukaan laut. Pengamatan bertujuan untuk mengetahui populasi PDJ dan musuh alami serta seranganhama tersebut pada tanaman jeruk, sebagai dasar untuk menyusun program pengendalian hama terpadu PDJ.Pengamatan dilakukan pada empat model pola tanam sebagai perlakuan dan tiga lokasi sebagai ulangan. Data-datadari hasil pengamatan tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan rancangan kelompok. Hasil pengamatanmenunjukan bahwa populasi dan serangan PDJ beserta musuh alami pada empat pola tanam tersebut adalah sebagaiberikut : (1) Pola tanam jagung varietas Arjuna dengan tomat varietas lokal diantara tanaman jeruk varietas keprok.Rata-rata populasi hama tersebut adalah 2,75 ekor/tanaman dan serangan 19 persen. Musuh alami semut hitam danlaba-laba masing-masing sekitar 2 ekor/tanaman; (2) Pola tanam jagung dan kacang merah varietas lokal diantaratanaman jeruk varietas keprok. Rata-rata populasi hama PDJ adalah 1,6 ekor/tanaman dan serangan 20,0 persen.Musuh alami jenis Dolichoderus sp rata-rata 1,5 ekor/tanaman dan laba-laba 1,7 ekor/tanaman; (3) Pola tanam jagungvarietas arjuna diantara jeruk varietas keprok. Rata-rata populasi hama PDJ 1,3 ekor/tanaman dan serangan sekitar19,0 persen. Musuh alami Dolichoderus sp 1,30 ekor/tanaman dan laba-laba 1,4 ekor/tanaman; (4) Monokultur jeruk.Rata-rata populasi PDJ 2,0 ekor/tanaman dan serangan 18,0 persen. Musuh alami Dolichoderus sp 1,60 ekor/tanamandan laba-laba 1,9 ekor/tanaman. Model pola tanam tersebut dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani dan dapattergolong komponen-komponen PHT, dengan syarat monitoring hama harus dilakukan intensif setiap lima hari gunamembatasi serangan hama tersebut